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Search results for query #kpi

2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.02.2024, 09:18
Improvement, you need to calculate kpi by the sum of the additional field in the processes
Good afternoon, we have an additional field in the processes that has a numeric format. We need to count kpi employees on this field. Maybe it can ...
0 replies
31.10.2023, 12:43
How does setting the KPI calculation period work?
KPI (calculating the sum of processes): https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/kpi/79/ https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/kpi/8...
6 replies
18.04.2023, 00:25
Payroll process not created
Can you tell me how the Employee KPI setting works? The payroll process is specified, but processes are not created. If you set up KPI for the r...
CPI correction is needed. And you need to subtract (or add, multiply or divide) another KPI from one KPI to get the sum (not the percentage)
CPI correction is needed. Now there is an opportunity to divide one KPI by another and determine the percentage difference. And you need to subtrac...
1 answer
01.12.2022, 00:07
Payroll process is not created when setting up KPI in the contact card
Payroll processes are not created when setting up KPI in the contact card. When setting up KPI for roles, everything is ok. What is the problem? ht...
6 replies
28.11.2022, 09:26
Some KPIs stopped being calculated (settings did not change)
Good day! For some reason, some KPIs have stopped being calculated https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/report/comparekpi/ for about 10 days Here are these ...
4 answer
28.09.2022, 18:44
Number format in outbound processes created by KPI
There is a KPI, according to which the Outgoing process Salary is created. The selling price is set with a minus sign, while when adding a product ...
1 answer
18.08.2022, 18:49
CRM for sales department
We at OneBox Corp can help you automate your OneBox sales force. We will audit your business processes, give recommendations based on our experienc...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
03.08.2022, 15:23
In the same year, the beginning of a vibratory recovery kpi by call
Good day, Today we commemorated that we started vibrating the kpi according to the number of dzvinkiv and whilin. In some spіvrobіtnikіv vіdpratsov...
8 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.08.2022, 10:44
OS, KPI box
Good day, In the company there is a dress code for sale, it may be necessary to add kpi for a skin care product. Tell me, how much more costly doro...

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