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Search results for query #укрпочта

5 replies
Not transmitted TTN UKRPOSHTA from ONEBOX to PROM
Let's use action: "PromUA / Save the delivery declaration number of the current process" But TTN of Ukrposhta is not transferred from ONEBOX to P...
2 answer
13.04.2023, 12:36
Ukrposhta print menu does not open
Here https://sara.1box.link/41288/ukrposhtainvoice/ There used to be an opportunity to call the print options https://take.ms/NhCYw To PDF, just pr...
9 replies
28.12.2022, 22:01
Directory of UkrPoshta branches
Good afternoon! Interested in creating directories for branches (postcode, city, etc.) of UkrPoshta, by analogy with Nova Poshta. With this, I want...
By UkrPoshta, orders do not pass by status
By UkrPoshta, orders do not pass by status !!! When the message was accepted, it should have changed to the "Sent" status Fix it!!!! Orde...
2 answer
05.10.2022, 15:56
Install GhostScript on the server
Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?filtershowprocess=&...
5 replies
24.08.2022, 15:11
Box did not see the status "Return to the return address: Upon written refusal of the addressee"
- Stage https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/workflowstatus/3920/action/new/ - The action "Move the process to a stage if the status of the Ukrposh...
8 replies
24.08.2022, 12:43
Postcode can't be empty - Ukrposhta
Order https://rivcont.info/3122907/ The specified address is "52204, Zheltye Vody, 23 Dvortsovy Lane" We confirm Ukrposhta through the ac...
4 answer
16.08.2022, 13:38
UkrPoshta: you need to display the interface block with the fields "Package type" and "Departure type"
Tell me, I noticed that for the delivery service of Ukrposhta, it is in the process that the settings "Parcel type" (Warehouse-Warehouse,...
2 answer
26.07.2022, 17:38
The problem with the status of parcels of Ukrposhti
Good afternoon. Shows the status of the order in the box, but does not automatically switch to the stage, if you want this status in the list of st...
1 answer
06.07.2022, 12:47
Creates an overlay, although the settings indicate that it should not be
Here is the integration https://sara.1box.link/app/ukrposhta-integration-new/settings/ Here are the postpaid settings https://sara.1box.link/app/uk...

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