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Search results for query #сортування

2 answer
08.04.2024, 22:06
BAG. Sorting in the table does not work correctly
Added an additional field to the "Date and time of the last event" process, where relevant data is recorded. When I select automatic sorting by thi...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.07.2022, 20:46
Yak keruvati as a drop-down list on the screens of addenda
Why is it possible to add additional items to the drop-down list, as if on the screen that we need more than we need? What algorithm is used for so...
2 answer
01.10.2021, 18:22
The ability to change the position of the item at the fixed positions
It became possible for the speakers to get to the office to re-tighten the columns in the required order, as was the case for MVP Now, in order to ...
25 replies
28.09.2021, 10:36
Incorrect sorting in payments
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/finance/ How to select sorting per locked axis like so: It is not correct to enter data: Payments are known: ...
6 replies
Personal license
06.09.2021, 12:09
The Contact Table report block does not sort numbers as numbers
I sort by the column "Amount of orders" or "Number of orders", the sorting does not take into account the digits of the number:...
3 answer
Personal license
10.08.2021, 19:09
Action Sort process products for a process product field of type Contact Directory
here is the action Sort process products https://kolchuga.work/admin/shop/workflow/18/procedure/22/?status=2 need to be able to sort by field https...
22 answer
26.01.2021, 12:52
Sorting behind the additional field
Good day Is it possible to sort for additional fields in finance? (actual payments) /admin/shop/finance/ Yakshcho nі - skilki doopratsyuvannya
3 answer
14.01.2021, 20:28
sorting products in the process according to the meanings of Latin letters
It is necessary for the client to sort the goods according to the order according to the order, robimo "Sorting the products to the process&qu...
12 replies
Personal license
25.11.2020, 17:02
Sorting and filtering in the product tables
1. Evaluate the sorting order by columns of the column when clicking on the column header https://prnt.sc/vpvfnq by analogy with the list of proces...

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