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4 answer
Please expand the possibilities in the "DOCUMENTS" application
In the document editor, there is an option to insert an image, but there is no option to insert a drawing made directly in the application with a s...
2 answer
18.07.2022, 10:13
Evaluate the finalization of the document signature online
There is a need to sign documents through the phone, following the principle of how it works in Privat24 at the checkout. That is, in order to disp...
2 answer
01.09.2021, 15:05
sms and email sender
How to change the name of the sender when sending SMS, which will be displayed to the recipient? Not receiving email after sending via crm
7 replies
14.05.2021, 10:53
Send an email notification to a contact from the add. process fields
Hello, when sending an email action Action "Send email notification to contact from additional process field" there is an option "Au...
1 answer
16.02.2021, 17:44
Letter Signatures for Employees
Please tell me how to set up email signatures correctly. The fact is that most of our employees work from one (main) email address, but everyone mu...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
16.02.2021, 16:36
Electronic signature (EDS) of working documents in CRM-OneBox
An advertisement for a new opportunity for Boxing has arrived in the mail: Electronic signature (EDS) of working documents in CRM-OneBox https://cr...
2014795792 - Finalization of the employee's signature
Improved letter signature variables: [internal_phone] - pulls up the phone number of the user who sends the email [phone] - pulls up internal and r...

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