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Search results for query #настройка телефонии

17 replies
Personal license
03.08.2022, 18:11
Where can I find a description of the integration? how to make infa come from the service to the box?
Outgoing calls work, it starts dialing on the mobile, but how can the Service understand my calls where to send calls? where is the link descriptio...
3 answer
16.06.2021, 18:49
call from crm not working
one of our managers lost the ability to call from crm. Those. now we can call the client from the contact card, all its events are collected, the a...
1 answer
19.05.2021, 10:51
Calls from Kyivstar Telephony are not synced
Good afternoon! We have configured the integration of call records from Telephony into CRM. Now calls are not transferred to CRM, what could be the...
12 replies
Telephony Kyivstar. Error 403
Good afternoon. The token is registered in the Kyivstar module, which is downloaded from OneBox Market. There is a raising of the card for incoming...
6 replies
22.03.2021, 17:14
Register Kyivstar token for telephony
Register Kyivstar token on the server The token is written in the integration settings https://crm.sportlife.ua/admin/shop/integrations/kyievstar/c...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.02.2021, 14:19
Stream Telecom
Hi Hi need a response from the integration developer on the OneBox side Stream Telecom specialists knocked on me with questions: 1) You need to fin...
4 answer
Good afternoon. Our Box is integrated with Binotel. But recently, phone numbers have ceased to be identified and pulled up to orders. Calls go as a...

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