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Search results for query #бюджет

1 answer
08.02.2021, 10:27
Schedule in budgets
When we open budget operations, there is a chart on the right - https://prnt.sc/yotb7m he is a worker? what should it show? data for April is displ...
9 replies
11.11.2020, 13:50
Displaying budgets
Hello! There are three budgets created in Boxing, one of them is virtual. The virtual budget does not appear on the Budgets page. It can only be se...
49 replies
25.10.2020, 13:02
Credit / write off the amount or % of the process amount to the budget
Hello! Set up actions on the stage. All actions are triggered, except for "Credit/write off the amount or % of the process amount to the budge...
1 answer
15.10.2020, 13:41
Credits/Debits to the Budget
How to remove crediting / debiting to the budget? Deleting a payment that credited/debited money to the budget did not lead to deletion of the entr...
Using budgets
The box has a budgets section https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/finance/buget/ it reflects the final amounts of balances on each budget. Accrual ...

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