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OneBox CRM+ERP boxed unlimited version for 19 licenses

Our company purchased a boxed unlimited version of the ONEBOX CRM system for 19 licenses.
One license at the moment the developer costs 699 USD. Or 13281 USD for 19 licenses.
We'll sell it for double the price. Those. for 6640 USD
Contact email agvagv1@gmail.com
Original question is available on version: ru


Please change the topic name to - Selling OneBox CRM + ERP boxed unlimited version for 19 licenses
Because I can't make changes, but by the word Sell, the search does not find the topic
15.11.2021, 23:58
Original comment available on version: ru

5000 USD for 19 licenses
12.12.2021, 18:01
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4500 USD for 19 licenses
26.12.2021, 15:12
Original comment available on version: ru

I would like to add that the version of boxing we have is Green MVP (2020)
04.01.2022, 19:45
Original comment available on version: ru

4200 USD for 19 licenses
05.02.2022, 16:18
Original comment available on version: ru

Gennady wrote:
Please change the topic name to - Selling OneBox CRM + ERP boxed unlimited version for 19 licenses
Because I can't make changes, but by the word Sell, the search does not find the topic

Unfortunately, we do not edit comments and topics.
But you can always create a new topic.
06.02.2022, 18:18
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
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3500 USD for 19 OneBox unlimited licenses
20.05.2022, 22:17
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2900 USD for 19 ONEBOX unlimited licenses. Those. about 5 times cheaper than we paid.
03.09.2022, 21:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Advice in new realities:
- update old licenses for OneBox OS activation key. Significant discounts for customers with perpetual licenses
- then sell the key to any partner.
Partners will be happy because it will be cheaper for them to buy a key from you than from OneBox.
You can discuss all this with any partner - https://1b.app/ru/partner/search/
03.09.2022, 22:22
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day!
It is better to address your questions in this topic (or create a new one) - in fact, I answered you with the same information in the letter.
Prices are described here: https://1b.app/ua/prices/
14.03.2023, 13:09
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ua

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Miroshnichenko Maxim wrote:
Pleasure at the new realities:
- update old licenses for OneBox OS activation key. For customers with permanent licenses, get a discount
- Sell the key to any partner.
Partners will be glad that it is cheaper for them to buy a key from you, or from OneBox.
You can discuss everything with any partner - https://1b.app/ru/partner/search/

Good afternoon,
Please explain in detail how to implement this, as for someone who is new to OneBox and does not know about “updating old licenses”, “activation keys”, “OneBox OS”, “substantial discounts, for customers with perpetual licenses”, etc. d.”
Of course, we would prefer to discuss financial matters in private rather than in an open forum.
But having asked these questions to the support email info@oneboxcorp.com, we received an answer from Alexander Chizhik - that we can discuss these issues either on the forum or for me to contact one of the partners. Wanbox Corp. was recommended. Having written questions to info@oneboxcorp.com a week ago (Alexander in the copy), I still have not received any answer
19.03.2023, 16:25
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Posts are not edited. Initially, an email was sent to support sales@crm-onebox.com
19.03.2023, 16:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Gennady wrote:
Please explain in detail how to implement this, as for someone who is new to OneBox and does not know about “updating old licenses”, “activation keys”, “OneBox OS”, “substantial discounts, for customers with perpetual licenses”, etc. d.”

Gennady, good afternoon!
If very briefly, then it is through OneBox (I mean the forum, partners) that you are unlikely to find anyone to sell your software to.
It so happened that almost all clients are already on the new OneBox OS, the cost of OS is lower than MVP (for partners), and MVP itself is no longer supported from 2023, and we are only moving OS./
From my point of view, in order to sell OneBox CRM + ERP (MVP) you need to find the one who needs the MVP (CRM + ERP) yourself. I do not know such.
Or find someone who will need exactly your software solution (and not just licenses), but for this you will have to independently look for leads and offer them to a crowd of people.
Susyak Igor Do you need an MVP?
23.03.2023, 15:29
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

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Miroshnichenko Maxim wrote:
Advice in new realities:
- update old licenses for OneBox OS activation key. Significant discounts for customers with perpetual licenses
- then sell the key to any partner.
Partners will be happy because it will be cheaper for them to buy a key from you than from OneBox.
You can discuss all this with any partner - https://1b.app/ru/partner/search/

Can you please tell me the size of these significant discounts?
23.03.2023, 15:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
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Maxim, thank you for marking
Gennady - we don't need MVP itself, we can help you set up a box or server as an independent partner, contact us if relevant.
23.03.2023, 16:40
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Good afternoon,

Gennady - we don't need the MVP itself, we can help you with setting up a boxing server as an independent partner, get involved as relevant.

We don't need Onebox integration, we'd like to sell it

find someone who will need exactly your software solution

As I wrote above, all that we managed to integrate for all the time is automation with Nova Poshta. I think that such a configuration will not interest anyone.

Miroshnichenko Maxim wrote:
Advice in new realities:
- update old licenses for OneBox OS activation key. Significant discounts for customers with perpetual licenses
- then sell the key to any partner.
Partners will be happy because it will be cheaper for them to buy a key from you than from OneBox.

Maxim, you wrote about significant discounts for customers with perpetual licenses. I've been trying to find out exactly what these significant discounts are for a long time. Answer please.
We spent a huge amount of money both on Onebox itself and on its integration. And we would like to understand if we can at least recoup something from the sale of our perpetual licenses, or whether they are no longer worth anything
23.04.2023, 18:24
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Significant discounts for customers with perpetual licenses

More than half a year ago you promised "substantial discounts". 2 times I have already specified what exactly these "significant discounts" are and how to use them (because support redirects to this topic and to Maxim's message). In this company, the CEO is responsible for the words? If not, then what can we say about ordinary employees.
By the way, who needs it, we will sell 19 unlimited licenses of Green MVP (2020) for 3000 USD. Which is more than 4 times cheaper than what we paid a couple of years ago. But it seems that this craft is worthless and will simply be thrown away.
17.06.2023, 01:51
Original comment available on version: ru

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