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Template settings are lost and not saved

When exporting an excel file and choosing the desired template in the fine settings, each time you have to refill the columns on top. This setting is not saved
Original question is available on version: ru


Also, the choice in the columns is clumsy, and "Category name of the product" does not find it at all. Cash cleaned
06.10.2022, 14:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Filling columns according to the template has been corrected, so that there would be a choice in the list of available columns "Name of the category for the product" it is necessary to configure the multilingual fields
06.10.2022, 14:58
Original comment available on version: ru

it is necessary to set up multilingual fields - what does this mean?
Previously, I exported products from a vanbox and there was this field. I saved the template with these columns (it turned out to be empty today). For new products, I filled in the columns in excel (which is easier to do than by the piece in vanbox) and then imported the same filled columns. There was the name of the category in which the product is located. Now "Product Category Name" is gone. How can I enter the name of the category in which it should fall into the product through Excel?
06.10.2022, 15:33
Original comment available on version: ru

All the configured fields in the templates for export also got lost. But at the same time, on the right side, the names that were in the van box were copied. Now almost all of these names are not found.
06.10.2022, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ru

When importing products from a file, to specify the column name, you must have the configured Multilingual application. This application has a field setting. In this setting, you need to set the fields that are required in several languages

Look at the export template settings now, it should now be ok to display the uploaded fields
06.10.2022, 16:08
Original comment available on version: ru

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