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Adding Columns to the Reserved Items Page

Here in the order https://fr-auto.1box.link/402/ there is a column in the products "Quantity in reserve" with a link to the reserved products (Fig. 1)
You need to add the following fields (Figure 2)
Responsible, Client, Number of days in reserve.
Regarding the "Number of days in reserve", it is necessary that the number of days elapsed be displayed - from the moment the goods were reserved. If you booked today, then 0 days, the next day should be 1.
How many hours do you need to implement?
Original question is available on version: ru


There is neither a responsible person nor a client in the reserve - there is only a link to the order.
Is it possible to display it in the line with information on the order, but I'm not sure that this data will be useful to many.
Regarding "days in the reserve" - we store the date when the reserve was added - but it may be more informative to display in the line of information on the reserve process exactly the date-time when this reserve was added.
What do you say?
06.04.2022, 16:06
Original comment available on version: ru

Пятецкий Николай Николаевич
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
There is neither a responsible person nor a client in the reserve - there is only a link to the order.
Is it possible to display it in the line with information on the order, but I'm not sure that this data will be useful to many.

If there is an opportunity to show approximately how it will look, I'm still a client, maybe it will do.

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
Regarding "days in the reserve" - we store the date when the reserve was added - but it may be more informative to display in the line of information on the reserve process exactly the date-time when this reserve was added.

I will clarify for this question, but if anything, it will be possible to add simply the column "Number of days in reserve", what would count from the date of addition to today?
07.04.2022, 16:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Пятецкий Николай Николаевич
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license

Pyatetsky Nikolai Nikolaevich
OneBox Insiders wrote:
If there is an opportunity to show approximately how it will look, I'm still a client, maybe it will do.

? How will it look like and how many hours will it take to implement this item and show the date when the reservation was made?
14.04.2022, 10:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Pyatetsky Nikolai Nikolaevich
OneBox Insiders wrote:
If there is an opportunity to show approximately how it will look, I'm still a client, maybe it will do.

separate columns

Pyatetsky Nikolai Nikolaevich
OneBox Insiders wrote:
I will clarify for this question, but if anything, it will be possible to add simply the column "Number of days in reserve", what would count from the date of addition to today?

20.04.2022, 19:22
Original comment available on version: ru

The above columns have been improved.
25.04.2022, 14:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Пятецкий Николай Николаевич
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
The above columns have been improved.

Fire!) Just a request to correct a little adaptability, otherwise the table flies after a slight decrease.
25.04.2022, 17:26
Original comment available on version: ru

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