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Do not enter GetCall

Congratulations! Binotal has a GetCall function, which is essentially a call order. I have a problem that it does not get into crm. It is necessary to create a process based on hetcall. Theoretically, GetCall is an outgoing call from the manager, when the customer orders a call, the system calls the manager and the customer automatically. I tried to use the automation "Create a process based on the detection of a new number", but the problem is that you cannot select users there, that is, so that the automation works only with the sales department, for example.
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day.
It is possible that these requests come without the phone number "to whom" they are calling and therefore are not recorded by the system.
I advise you to try to fill in the phone number in the "Answering number" setting in the Binotel application (in most cases, it can be a phone number allocated by Binotel for calls), so that events are created for it and you can then work with them by certain automations of creating processes based on calls.
25.05.2023, 17:20
Original comment available on version: ua

Thank you! Everything seems to be working already =)
06.07.2023, 14:59
Original comment available on version: ua

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