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Pardon Binotel API

Есть необходимость настройки телефонии в системе?
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When pressing on the phone number, a pardon is issued, tied to the API.
In the integration, the key and the password are correct. The caller may have a customer card number for calls (901, 902, 903). Webhook installations for integration using API CALL SETTINGS, API CALL COMPLETED and API PUSH methods. What could be the reason for the pardon?
Original question is available on version: ru


Maybe the IP of the box has changed?
31.08.2022, 10:32
Original comment available on version: ru

How to pervert, what kind of IP boxing?
Through the service https://who.is/?
31.08.2022, 11:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
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Karina - IP of your boxing
I’ve changed it in other countries - as if they were practicing, it means that only a few lines have been added, in you 902, it’s possible to add data to yourself from 902 lines in the dialers.
if everything is ok - write to the Binotel high tech support to review your sides.
31.08.2022, 11:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Dyakuyu! Bula on the right in IP boxing
31.08.2022, 14:37
Original comment available on version: ru

But a new problem - there is no clue what is called at the call.
31.08.2022, 14:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
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However, the IP changed after the fact that the integration with Binotel was established and the merging lines were also sent to support@binotel.ua from the post, on the basis of Binotel registrations of such a list:
"Vіtaєmo, shanovna tekhpidtrimka Binotel.ua!
We ask you to integrate the CRM system with your telephony service to allow access to telephony for the site [your domain] (IP = ХХХ.ХХХ.ХХХ.ХХХ)
It is also necessary to enable the PUSH API on the addresses [your domain]/binotel/push/ and [your domain]/binotel/push-caller/ and [your domain]/binotel/push/complete/ (for call recording)
You have been robbed more than once, and it would not be enough to blame everyday problems.
31.08.2022, 22:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Such a sheet has already been corrected, they were robbed in the binotel of the patching.
An incoming call is made to the client, the handset is picked up and redirected to the client's number. Ale, at weekend calls of automatic calls, say this: "... there is no route for calls, go to those. Wrote at bіnotel on tsomu.
There were no splicing vicons. Well, stink, you can be beaten by boxing, not binotel, right?
01.09.2022, 10:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
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Karina wrote:
"...there is no route for calls, check with technical staff to fix the script for weekend calls." Wrote at bіnotel on tsomu.

here you go to the office of Binotel and create scenarios. there's a lot of logic there.

Karina wrote:
There were no splicing vicons. Well, stink, you can be beaten by boxing, not binotel, right?

I don't know. boxing is what Binotel gives. Yakraz the stench may be nashtuvati, so that the push came to our box.
01.09.2022, 11:16
Original comment available on version: ru

I'm burning, I'm sorry, the bunks are nareshti nalashtovani. They stay in the end - I wrote for them in Binotel
01.09.2022, 12:29
Original comment available on version: ru

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