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Search results for query #viber bot

7 replies
05.04.2023, 19:49
File sent to Viber Bot not loading
In the "Check out document" action, an additional process field is specified in the setting: Attach a PDF version of the generated document to an a...
1 answer
25.01.2023, 11:30
Viber bot API PHP
Good afternoon! Is it possible to disable the message input block in Viber bot? If possible, write the parameter that is responsible for this, I wi...
4 answer
21.10.2022, 16:00
When integrating with Viber, when the client wants to share his phone, the phone does not come into play
Continuation of the topic https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-messengers/15612-yaka-globalno-shema-r...
27 replies
16.06.2021, 11:51
Viber Bot Setup
Good afternoon! There are several questions about setting up Viber Bot: 1. When adding buttons to a chat, they are placed almost in the middle of t...
7 replies
26.02.2021, 13:00
Transferring Context to viber bot
Good afternoon. I send the client a link with a link to a viber bot of the following form: viber://pa?chatURI=ohrana_ua&context=131832&text...
1 answer
06.11.2020, 18:17
Chatbot in messengers using for example business processes.
Is it possible to customize the logic of chat bots (telegrams, viber, etc.) inside CRM OneBox? The essence of my question is very well disclosed in...
viber bot
Hello, some customers complain that they cannot reach us through Viber bot. In turn, they claim that they receive messages from us. Here is the las...
2015662780 - Added the ability to select Viber bot from which to send mailings
In the "Viber Mass Mailing" section, the ability to select a sender (Viber bot) on behalf of which messages will be sent will be launched.

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