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Search results for query #bot

4 answer
21.04.2023, 10:47
Users are complaining about several critical issues
Good day! I use your service to set up a tg-bot: - https://carmalift.1b.app/desktop/ - https://t.me/carmalift_bot We use the bot as a landing/commu...
3 answer
Personal license
24.10.2022, 15:56
The status of the process does not change when changing [url_change_status: ...] in the callbackdata field
I am editing telegram notifications with the i button in the Callback Data field, specifying the change [url_change_status: ...] , When clicking o...
4 answer
15.09.2022, 11:15
Do not save calls between the button and the block
Bot https://tovtg.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ Do not save the transition from the button to the block. For example, in the menu there is a button...
1 answer
08.12.2021, 08:13
RPA module
DD, is it possible to integrate Whatsapp (other messengers) into 1box using RPA technology (robotic process automation), i.e. when the bot, accordi...
18 replies
28.11.2021, 18:51
How to send a message to a group using a Telegram bot?
Guys, tell me, is it possible to somehow send a message to a group using the telegram bot? If yes, how to do it? And yet, if the bot is in several ...
11 replies
17.06.2021, 21:55
Integration with Viber
When adding buttons (custom keyboard settings) to Viber chat, they are placed in the chat almost in the middle of the screen, while covering the te...
1 answer
06.11.2020, 18:17
Chatbot in messengers using for example business processes.
Is it possible to customize the logic of chat bots (telegrams, viber, etc.) inside CRM OneBox? The essence of my question is very well disclosed in...
viber bot
Hello, some customers complain that they cannot reach us through Viber bot. In turn, they claim that they receive messages from us. Here is the las...

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