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Search results for query #обязательства

The update commitment action does not work!
https://youtu.be/85odgxC7CL4?si=47qP0PaOfmUR2hvP&t=921 the video starts at 15:21 Here is a video from OneBox about the logic of the "update commitm...
13 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.09.2022, 13:38
Paying for additional help, Obov'yazki in process
Good afternoon, help the taxpayer to get rid of the goiter with the post-employees. Process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/257642/ 1. In the field of...
8 replies
06.08.2022, 10:15
Mutual calculations do not work correctly
Mutual calculations do not work correctly. For example, we received a customer's order for UAH 100. The buyer paid us money. A payment has been...
Created the process "Order to the supplier" Created an OUTGOING payment to this contact Pressed the goods came But in the order card it s...
I'm creating a subprocess for some big sum for another client (not the one in the Batkiv process). But in the Batkiv process "Zobov`yazann...
3 answer
10.06.2022, 15:47
Information is not displayed from the settings
Here is a dashboard http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/dashboard/ The following fields are displayed in it (Fig. 1) At the same time, for some reason, ...
1 answer
24.05.2022, 10:31
Liabilities are not stretched correctly.
Good afternoon. I received goods from supplier 1, then after a while it became necessary to edit the supplier in this order for supplier 2. I chang...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
07.05.2022, 17:40
OS bug, not correcting the bindings in the client's cards during resales in different currencies
Good day, Client: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/contact/27474/ Client process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?filterclientid...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.10.2021, 17:16
OS discrepancy in the balance of our obligations to the client - the client to us
Tested here https://multiform.crm-onebox.com/4488/ Process amount 2847.06 EUR Amount of the executed payment for the task 2847.06 EUR Amount of shi...
10 replies
01.09.2021, 14:24
Process Commitment Error
Hello! In progress https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/20120/edit/ difference between process amount and payment does not match d...

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