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Search results for query #шрифт

1 answer
07.03.2021, 21:22
how to change the font in the standard template of the online store?
how to change the font in the standard template of the online store?
13 replies
14.12.2020, 00:14
White font on a dark stage background wherever there are stages
Please make the display of white font on a dark background wherever the stages are displayed
4 answer
20.11.2020, 17:28
Glitch with font size in the knowledge base
https://prnt.sc/vmwyi2 Starting a new article in the Knowledge Base, the system writes that the font is 12. If you select all the text and set the ...
1 answer
26.10.2020, 18:42
Different inscriptions - is it normal?
https://prnt.sc/v78o0r The source/type of the product is displayed differently in different places. Is this on purpose or a glitch? https://prnt.sc...
7 replies
06.10.2020, 21:40
White stage font color on a dark background #2
http://joxi.ru/Vm6KLWKsvK3E12 works in the constructor There is no process in the process card http://joxi.ru/823W6QWT8wzGQ2
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.08.2020, 19:42
Change the field type for applying to a public TP
This is how I write the text when I ask a question: http://prntscr.com/u6zcet This is how the text looks after I sent it to the TP: http://prntscr....

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