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Search results for query #таблицы

1 answer
Column width
How to change order columns width? I give an example from my system: the order source (1 word) has the same length as "comments". And in ...
Upload to google spreadsheet
Hello, we have set up an unloading from the box to the Google table of warehouse balances. But unfortunately: 1 the barcode of the product is not u...
2 answer
26.01.2022, 14:15
Please place the confirmation HTML file in the root of the site
You need to verify the domain, for integration with Google Sheets, please place the verification HTML file in the root of the site so that it can b...
9 replies
16.07.2021, 19:51
OS - Process List
1. There is a problem with displaying text in one line. Or rather, the text is NOT displayed in one line, although the entire table is already wide...
2 answer
15.07.2021, 10:33
OS - Table display settings
I think that for many the names of additional fields are long and complex, and it is often not necessary to display all this name in the table. Is ...
2 answer
09.06.2021, 10:48
Google Spreadsheets
The description (in the image) indicates that there is only import of products and processes. How many hours do you need to set up the export as well?
google sheets integration not working
Set up an action to export data to Google Sheets, but the data is not exported https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/integrations/google-spreadsheet-...
Improvement of report functionality
What are the inconveniences now 1- The report is all fused like a porridge of indicators on a white background, there is no way to make a division ...

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