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11 replies
08.01.2023, 14:30
The problem with the layout when fixing the table header and setting checkboxes
If you fix the table header and select processes in the list, then the height of the block with information about the number of selected elements a...
1 answer
Personal license
30.08.2022, 21:51
OS custom field names in the process list
there is a need for the client to rename the column names in the list of processes. primarily interested in the fields Name and Parent Process http...
15 replies
04.02.2022, 08:37
OS - Improvement - Dropdown Height
Please make the dropdown list higher in payments. It is much more convenient to quickly cover the entire list with a glance and select the desired ...
10 replies
28.01.2022, 13:42
The drop-down list in the field is not displayed correctly.
Good afternoon! We can't deal with this problem. Tech support recommended contacting you with this issue. There are certain settings in automat...
1 answer
20.12.2021, 17:04
OS - Bug - "Source" field in process table
Why does the list of processes show the name of the source, but not in the table? can be brought to one form - to display the text.
3 answer
08.10.2021, 11:17
OS - List/Table
Apparently, when new additional fields are added, they get into the table display, but they do not get into the list display. Is it possible to mak...
2 answer
06.10.2021, 12:21
Choice of additional drop-down list fields from orders list
Darow. Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?workflowid%5B%5D=17 dropdown type fields?
1 answer
30.09.2021, 18:32
OS - Dropdown list bug
The entire drop-down list for a field with the "product" type is not visible. I have two monitors, but the rest of the list is not visibl...
3 answer
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders by the desired criterion Whatever fields that are not particularly important, were either line breaks ...
1 answer
16.07.2021, 19:58
OS - Process List
Why do we need two empty fields: below and on the side of the list? Can I remove them to make the list longer?

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