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Search results for query #сообщения

0 replies
01.02.2023, 14:15
SMS / viber is not sent at a certain stage of the BP
Good afternoon. At many stages of the BP, we send a message to viber, if viber is not available, then by SMS. At one stage (Sent), SMS is not sent,...
1 answer
02.11.2022, 09:05
Restrictions on the number of messages.
In normal operation, Viber has a limit on the number of possible messages sent per day (about 50 leads). And how is this issue solved in this appli...
1 answer
I can’t write to the client after creating an application from the telegram bot
I'm setting up a telegram bot https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ here is the generated request https://kolotebe.1b.app/195/?tabid=0...
Message from telegrams is not displayed (one, all others are displayed)
Here is the process https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/messengers/220456/edit/ We see 2 messages from the user There are 3 such mess...
3 answer
send message to order prom
in the order processing history, in addition to changing statuses, correspondence with the buyer is displayed if he has an email. you can send a me...
6 replies
send a message to the order chat on the outlet.
like chats can work. and the action in the business process, send a message to the chat, was not found.
"disappear" comments and messages in the Comments Feed
Hello, the comment feed began to live a separate life. The problem was noticed about a month ago. Written off as a bug because it didn't happen...

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