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Search results for query #символ

4 answer
26.11.2020, 09:03
Extra character (\) in the product name
A problem with the export of product names has been noticed, namely: Double quotes are preceded by a backslash (\) which can be seen in the xml fil...
3 answer
22.10.2020, 12:39
check his full name for extraneous characters
in /admin/shop/settings/unique/ there is an option "Allow full name verification" When adding a new contact, check his full name for the ...
3 answer
20.10.2020, 11:27
Category names
https://prnt.sc/v2vyya Some characters are not displayed. Please correct
1 answer
21.01.2020, 11:10
It is necessary to make it not escape or save without these characters, or somewhere to display a notification that such a character is prohibited (for example, when saving)
https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/admin/ Now, if in the directory if the field contains a value with the symbol "" , when searching, Ajax ...

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