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Search results for query #работа с поставщиками

3 answer
04.07.2023, 09:25
Supplier order not created
Hello! Boxing - azing.1b.app. The order to the supplier has ceased to be created through the action "Create process to the supplier" at the stage o...
Не работает выпадающее меню для поиска поставщика
Не работает поиск по поставщику в продуктах нет выпадающего меню для поиска. И даже если прописать поставщика, то не ищет
1 answer
06.07.2022, 19:14
Does not return the product to the supplier
There was a task before https://1b.app/ru/forum/stock/13911-ne-vozvrashchaet-tovar-na-sklad/ It has not been resolved Again, repeating https://crm....
4 answer
Personal license
21.06.2022, 15:23
Not spratsovuє to import the price of the postal worker
Zavantazhuemo in the system of price of the employee Created Universal Product Import (xml/json) per one crown https://znaide.1b.app/app/automatiza...
4 answer
07.06.2022, 12:10
Prohibit adding a specific Supplier to a specific product
Good afternoon. Tell me if there is such functionality - you need to prohibit the installation of a certain supplier for certain products. The prob...
2 answer
16.02.2022, 17:00
The process does not work for the postal manager
There is no process for the post-employee for help "Create a process for the post-employee", as the business process is not indicated in ...
9 replies
31.01.2022, 12:45
Working with the Brain provider
Hello. We check the box "recalculate the price with suppliers and warehouses" for 3 days in a row in bulk in the list of products, the go...
4 answer
01.12.2021, 21:43
Vendor Integrations
https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/ 4 integrations with suppliers are configured: Import data from an ERC provider Import data fr...
1 answer
25.11.2021, 16:12
Creation of processes on different vendors
There is a main process, it has 3 products From it, we create an order to the supplier, but we do not yet know which supplier, for this we specify ...
2 answer
Formation of the selling price of the product, taking the largest ppm from one of the suppliers
Good afternoon. Tell me, is there any functionality in OneBox where you can set up the logic for transferring the sale price of a product, taking o...

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