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Search results for query #работа переменных

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.08.2022, 19:46
Variable in docs: row:contact_*
Suggest that it is necessary to form a withdrawal coupon to help all contacts process. Axis template: https://samboroborona.1b.app/admin/shop/docum...
24 answer
21.08.2022, 21:10
Variables in the additional product field
Tell me, is it possible to implement this? There is an "additional product field" (Field type "Text (html)"). It is necessary t...
9 replies
21.01.2022, 14:07
Contract Variables
Good afternoon. I am creating a contract template and ran into a problem with the output of variables. I have variables in legal entities (for exam...
What is the correct way to use the [url_change_status:statusID] variable? I keep getting an error
Deadline of the stage with repeated notification
Hello. Tell me if this action supports variables:
1 answer
29.01.2021, 09:36
{|$clientname|} - error handling
Good afternoon. Such a problem. In notifications (letter and sms), {|$clientname|} is used to address the client But there are orders where in the ...
1 answer
11.12.2020, 11:10
Variable "paid"
Good afternoon. Can you please tell me what variable should be specified in the letter so that it can be seen whether the order has been paid (&quo...

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