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Search results for query #пошук

0 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.04.2024, thursday, 12:17
The process TTN number search has stopped working
Good afternoon, recently the search was working correctly, but currently we cannot find an order through a global search by specifying the TTN numb...
1 answer
Availability of products in warehouses is not displayed in the "Product Search" block
In the "Search for products" block in the Interface, the availability of products in warehouses is not displayed. There is no + sign to expand the ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
14.06.2023, 10:04
Global search does not search the knowledge base
Good day, Please fix global search working with knowledge base. For example, we are looking for information on working with Monobank and in the k...
4 answer
21.12.2022, 16:17
contact search
Good day. 1. MVP version When performing a contact search, the display of additional fields now displays the contact ID (the value of the contact's...
Search box not working properly
24vet.com.ua The search does not work correctly when searching for processes. Some of the processes are looking for, some of the processes show &qu...
1 answer
Тзов Екомора
04.03.2021, 09:04
Not filtering by goods
є product https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/products/1762823/edit/ what kind of filter that filter value is, if you ask for the product, don’t know htt...

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