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Search results for query #паспорт продукта

6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
28.08.2023, 11:29
How to get product passports?
Congratulations, We have products to which passports have been added - in fact, a set of products that make up the set, how can you get a list of t...
1 answer
Probably not a correct translation
The passport card shows 2 fields "Ingredients", this is not true
3 answer
error when saving the product card tab
when saving, it gives such an error and the taba interface does not save please correct
Not going back passport after decomposition
Here is the challenge https://box.yerocolors.com/8753/ There is a "Fold" procedure, but the passport does not fit back after decompositio...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
03.09.2021, 15:27
Bug, the currency of the sale price in the product passport is not taken into account
Good afternoon, All our purchase prices are indicated in USD, the main boxing currency is hryvnia. When we create a product passport and add compon...
3 answer
12.08.2021, 16:57
Creating and selling products based on passports?
There are 150 weight articles of accessories for needlework (conditionally, it can be anything, even sweets). Products are credited to the warehous...
1 answer
04.08.2021, 16:23
Bug with product search and removal
Box https://test271.crm-onebox.com/ Passport example https://test271.crm-onebox.com/app/passports/4/edit/ 1. When we use the button, the popup win...
9 replies
25.05.2021, 11:18
Deleting Product Passports Bypassing Checks
Hello. Can you please tell me how to delete product passports in bulk and one by one, while bypassing product/project link checks? We got used to t...
4 answer
27.04.2021, 15:25
Automatic recalculation of price levels in product passports
Hello! How to set up automatic recalculation of price levels (additional prices) in product passports when similar price levels for their component...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
17.03.2021, 10:05
finalize the product passport (add the option "Allow to adjust the price of spare parts in the passport")
in the product passports add the option "Allow to adjust the sale price of components in the passport" if the checkbox is enabled, then ...

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