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Search results for query #модельный ряд

The lineup
Good afternoon! How best to work with goods that are of the same model range, but may differ: at the price size color At the same time, it is impor...
1 answer
15.08.2022, 20:45
problem with the Model range (series, collection) value in the XML upload file
our crm - crm.smartid.com.ua The value in the Model range (series, collection) field is indicated in the product for grouping, which further affect...
4 answer
13.07.2022, 19:56
api/v2/product/get/ main product from the lineup
How to get product data from the field "Use image and card as main lineup"?
1 answer
18.01.2022, 11:01
WordPress variable products not loading
Please tell me, https://bogart.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ there is an action to send to WordPress on the database of products. fo...
4 answer
21.12.2021, 14:45
Investment for a new version of Prestashop
If you create a product in the box, make a lineup, load several new positions into one lineup and try to transfer this lineup to the prestashop sto...
Evaluate the refinement - Make lineup and Model Hyperlinks
For ease of use, it is of interest that the Model Range and Model run as a hyperlink and lead to a List of products with the same model ranges and ...
2015857625 - Added fields to the bulk product changes panel
The "model" and "model range" fields have been added to the bulk product changes panel.
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.09.2021, 00:16
Modify the field in the bulk product changes panel
It is necessary to finalize the model and lineup in mass changes here https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/shop/product/masschange/block/
6 replies
28.09.2021, 17:49
Product photos are missing
Good afternoon, photos of the same products disappear steadily every week. Photos of the entire series (model range) disappear. Here is an example ...
9 replies
24.09.2021, 09:50
Product range table does not work correctly
Darow. Here in the model range table it is very inconvenient to work. When saving any data (Figure 1) everything returns to the beginning of the t...

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