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Search results for query #курс валют

The "process currency rate" is not recalculated
There is such a problem or maybe a bug 1) the interface block in the "process currency rate" process is displayed, the parameters are also included...
BAG block BP "process exchange rate"
Example, the product has a price from the supplier in USD If "Input price currency" is NOT SELECTED in the process product field, then wh...
1 answer
02.05.2023, 11:06
The list of course update days does not change
It is not possible to edit the list of days for updating the exchange rate, if all days were previously set.
2 answer
Personal license
20.04.2023, 10:44
The currency rate update OS from Privat stopped working
here are the settings: there is no Privat in the list. When trying to update the course like this - it opens a new window and nothing works. if yo...
1 answer
20.02.2023, 17:24
Assistance in importing exchange rates
Who can help to prescribe the formula in unloading the selling euro card rate from the site kurs.com.ua. Write to the cart @VasiliyMaslianik. Reaso...
2 answer
Personal license
21.09.2022, 16:56
Course refresh action not working
Here https://hellom.1b.app/5549/ Button-procedure "Rate", there is an action "Update the exchange rate in the process". But at ...
3 answer
19.09.2022, 11:25
Course not updated
https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/currency/ Instructed to update from https://bank-ua.com/ There is now a course of 41+ But the system is not upd...
4 answer
28.06.2022, 11:03
Loading exchange rates for the previous year
Good day, it so happened that we need to upload payments from the private sector for the whole of last year, the box in our company was set up so t...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.02.2022, 15:39
OS - exchange rate variable for currencies
It is necessary to take out the value of the current rate of active currencies for calculation in processes. What variable to take for the exchange...
8 replies
01.02.2022, 17:40
OS - Improvement - Missing Course
When adding a transaction, if the account is NOT in the base currency, there is no possibility to immediately add the exchange rate. You have to op...

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