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Search results for query #карточка товара

Optimize site performance
We need to increase the performance of opening a product card on the website This is the product card block PageSpeed ​​Insights shows on average 4...
8 replies
29.08.2023, 14:30
Product card, BAG
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ In our product card, the "About product" block has become 2 times larger in width, which is why the...
3 answer
29.12.2022, 10:48
The width of the blocks in the product card
Space was used inappropriately in the product card. The fields with prices are stretched to full width, while the price of the product is unlikely ...
2 answer
13.07.2022, 12:14
Lost descriptions and characteristics of goods
Good afternoon! In many products, the descriptions and characteristics that were previously added have disappeared, if you look at the history of t...
2 answer
29.06.2022, 18:51
Product icons
"Box_" has є funkt_onal: icons of goods (image 50*50), which display visual information on top of the image of the product. Food How to a...
3 answer
Error 500 when saving a product card
Good afternoon, on the project http://crm.zakazknig.com.ua/ for several days there is no way to edit products, it constantly knocks out Error 500. ...
2 answer
15.12.2021, 19:50
When going to the product card HTTP ERROR 500
Good afternoon, I go to the product card and get the following error
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.11.2021, 16:21
OS - product crushability is not saved
Here is the item card https://multiform.crm-onebox.com/app/product/534/edit/#done unit of measurement square meters we receive goods from a supplie...
3 answer
22.11.2021, 16:14
Product card in OneBox
Question about Additional fields in the product card These two fields could previously be left blank, i.e. leave completely blank. Just a couple o...
11 replies
16.11.2021, 13:15
Photos are not uploading to the product card
Good afternoon. I loaded the product through the universal XML import, there are links to images in the history, but there is no image itself https...

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