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9 replies
15.09.2022, 16:55
Rate: Add the ability to select multiple groups of contacts to additional fields with the Contact directory type
Good afternoon. Please rate: Add the ability to select multiple groups of contacts to additional fields for contacts with the Contact directory typ...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
01.10.2021, 13:09
Error 500 when filtering contacts
I open contacts, filter by group https://one-box.pret.com.ua/admin/shop/users/?groupid=18 I filter by the additional field https://take.ms/ZDoI7 Er...
3 answer
Cannot clear additional product field
There are additional product fields associated with the directory: https://yoko.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/productfield/1/ https://yoko.crm-onebox.c...
3 answer
24.04.2021, 17:52
Import additional fields
Where did the import of additional fields to processes go?
6 replies
19.04.2021, 18:57
Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met
Action "Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met." Prompt by what action it is possible to write down...
6 replies
07.04.2021, 13:51
Add. field with type multilist of contacts
There is an additional field. Field type: multilist of contacts. one. The process manually selects multiple values in this field. Then when creatin...
Evaluate the revision - Set the value of the Additional product field through the menu of mass changes
in my CRM, a system of prices and discounts is implemented when the discount is placed in the additional field of the product. You need to be able ...
Is it possible to make the Additional field of the Product of the process as a link to the site. perhaps evaluate the improvement
the product card contains links to this product on the sites, I have 3 sites, there in the Additional field of the String type (I also tried Text) ...
additional field
Hello. Is it possible in the KPI settings in the field Take into account only processes, where the employee can add, for example, additional fields...
1 answer
05.02.2021, 20:56
Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met
Can you tell me how to use the "interval" condition in this action? What should be written in the "field value" if I have an in...

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