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3 answer
23.01.2024, 14:05
The action "Move the execution date of the process to the next day if the business process is open" does not work
There are orders that should be automatically moved to the next day in the calendar by the "Execute by" date They are in the "Awaiting Payment" and...
2 answer
20.01.2022, 08:26
Is it possible to change the TIME setting interface for "Schedule, Run Until"
Is it possible to replace the hour and minute sliders, with the possibility of a step of 10-15 minutes, in hours to limit the working time from 09-...
4 answer
13.12.2021, 15:51
Automatic date change "due until"
Good afternoon! Faced such a problem when the field "due until" was changed automatically in the order order example https://ubp.crm-oneb...
1 answer
22.07.2021, 20:21
OS - bulk editing panel / calendar
1. I choose processes 2. I click edit By default, for some reason, the "due until" calendar is displayed. 3. I click on the "change ...
4 answer
09.03.2021, 19:37
Set a fixed end date for a process
Good afternoon! What action can be used to set a fixed date for the execution (completion) of a process? If you apply the action "Set the date...
action development
Hello. I ask you to estimate the cost of developing a telegram notification N minutes before the date of execution of the process using the example...
Date check in progress
Good afternoon. We constantly encounter the problem that when creating a process, managers mistakenly indicate the last date in the Run until field...
7 replies
15.09.2020, 19:19
Schedule and execute before
Is it possible for a task to have "Due until" earlier by date/time than "Schedule"? It's ridiculous somehow, but at the sam...
2015061562 - Improved the display of tasks in the calendar by the date “Due until”
Added the ability to display tasks in the calendar by the “Due by” date. To do this, in the “Show tasks in the calendar” setting, the date selectio...
Improved synchronization of the "Schedule" and "Due until" fields in related tasks
If any of the linked tasks, the responsible person changes the "Schedule" and/or "Due by" date/time, then these dates will be s...

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