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Search results for query #входящая цена

The incoming price is not uploaded to CRM from CS-catr
Good afternoon We received a product database from the admin panel https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/app/product/ Retail price and purchase price are ...
2 answer
Incorrect price recalculation and margin calculation in the order
Good afternoon. Process: https://admin.uatech.pro/admin/customorder/order/1396528/edit/ there is a product that is credited lower than the input pr...
6 replies
21.12.2021, 22:15
Incoming price.
Why can't I specify the purchase price in the "Order"? The field is not active. PS Sorry if this is a stupid question, I came from a ...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
11.08.2021, 18:05
The purchase of goods is pulled from cs-cart from the sale price
Product https://crm.stylesalon.com.ua/admin/shop/products/161/edit/ Purchase price = sale price Written in the card automatically https://take.ms/...
How to make an automatic recalculation of the cost price (incoming price) of the product passport
Faced with the fact that through the mass changes menu, simply saving it is not recalculated, but you just need to go purely into the product passp...
2 answer
Тзов Екомора
07.04.2021, 12:46
Incorrectly showing the input price of the product in the sales BP
Є zamovlennya sale de currency dollar process https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/broker-ua/142544/edit/ with this formula [orderproduct_pricebase...
Unable to change purchase price
When creating an order, the price can still be changed, but when I move to another stage, I cannot change the price. You need to refresh the page a...
4 answer
04.03.2021, 19:30
Cost re-accounting according to the exchange rate
Interested in refining as in this issue: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/2408-pereuchet-sebestoimosti-soglasno-ku...
9 replies
Incoming price when adding filters is not recalculated in BP
Good afternoon! Filters have been added to the product. The sale price and the input price are registered. When adding a product to the BP with fil...
1 answer
Input price entry failed
When creating an order for a supplier in the tabular section, I enter the price in USD. I set the price to 19. When you press the Enter key, the sy...

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