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2 answer
27.06.2022, 22:13
How to give a discount to a customer when buying from 2, 5, 10 pcs... if there are values in the product header
For example, there is a protective glass of the desired brand (or the value is indicated in the header) you need to make a discount when buying fro...
12 replies
17.03.2021, 12:13
Promotions are not updated
We put down the shares on the site, with the date of completion on 9th of February. In boxing, promotional prices dragged on, and after the complet...
0 replies
09.03.2021, 11:34
Any discount on the first payment for a cloud client
Dear partners and distributors of OneBox! Now we pay you a commission for connecting a cloud client in the amount of $400, of which we pay you $200...
1 answer
06.01.2021, 13:23
Hello, please tell me how to add values to products so that they are filtered by the "promotions" filter
2 answer
13.12.2020, 11:28
Price in promotional kits
Onebox rybalkashop, campshop Is it possible to display the price of the product along with the discount in promotional kits, following the example
3 answer
01.12.2020, 08:24
Promotion (sets with different products)
We can not solve the problem with promotional sets. We watched the functionality "promotional offers", "promotional sets" and t...
13 replies
26.11.2020, 12:41
Sets of goods on sale
CRM - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ We want to make gift sets before New Year's Eve And there are different kinds of the same item, acco...
1 answer
22.10.2020, 11:09
How to specify a fixed stock price for a product, not as a percentage? To not count every time
2 answer
18.09.2019, 10:21
Add the ability to bulk change the end date of a product promotion
Now on a product that indicates the end date of the promotion https://prnt.sc/p77sav there is no way to reset the date in the bulk action menu http...

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