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Search results for query #email

2 answer
11.03.2021, 14:44
How to massively tick the boxes for sending emails?
There are 500 employees. All of them need to tick the "Send every notification by email" checkbox. How to do it in bulk? PS: and I ask yo...
1 answer
01.03.2021, 23:57
What email is the email sent to?
4 answer
26.02.2021, 17:13
Send email to client
Good day. Show how you can solve the problem: Applications from clients often arrive at non-working hours. Such clients need to be informed about t...
4 answer
23.02.2021, 11:59
Letters not being delivered
Good afternoon. In the "History of sending letters" report, the status is +, but nothing comes to the mail. The mailbox connection has an...
3 answer
21.02.2021, 21:27
Attach the generated document to the letter
Good afternoon tell me how to send a letter from the process with the documents made earlier in this process (invoice or invoice) so that you do no...
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
17.02.2021, 17:01
How can I answer those support from the box (TP mail comes with a prefix)
Letters from the outlet come from the mailbox support@rozetka.zendesk.com But when you answer in Google, the real box for the answer is indicated t...
1 answer
The action Notify by email worked strangely
In such a process - https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/customorder/dokumentooborot/324121/edit/ at the stage - https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/s...
3 answer
09.02.2021, 13:55
Problem with ordering
Good afternoon! When creating a new order, it asks for the required field of the client's email and without it does not save the new client. Co...
5 replies
06.02.2021, 14:35
Why the mail filter in contacts does not work
Here is the filter https://testonebox.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/contact-mode-listing/mode/?gr...
1 answer
05.02.2021, 11:20
do not pull email in bp or disable validation
Hello, recently the socket started sending instead of an email, and this leads to an error when trying to save the stage, please advise how to get...

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