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Search results for query #binotel

1 answer
12.12.2022, 22:54
Binotel records do not drag
Good day Records in crm do not drag. Binotel support replied that everything is ok from their side. can you look https://crm.mebelok.com/
2 answer
Personal license
17.11.2022, 00:49
BUG calls are not displayed, pop-ups, no call records
Telephony is empty https://sbplus.1b.app/app/binotel-1/ Api comes https://sbplus.1b.app/app/app-api/ Events are https://sbplus.1b.app/app/event/ Ca...
10 replies
18.10.2022, 13:00
Display of the call source in a pop-up window when there is an incoming call
Problem: When there is an incoming call, displays the SOURCE (source). There are created sources: In the Events section (link source and event), e...
7 replies
22.09.2022, 15:38
Binotel and vanbox user integration
How can I add this integration for a new user? the main task is that by clicking on the phone number, this phone is transferred to the softphone, a...
9 replies
31.08.2022, 10:06
Pardon Binotel API
When pressing on the phone number, a pardon is issued, tied to the API. In the integration, the key and the password are correct. The caller may ha...
4 answer
04.07.2022, 16:25
104 Wrong data
made telephony settings. At first it worked, but the next day it gave an error. Tech. Binotel support replied: "Hello! 104 Wrong data - you re...
6 replies
22.06.2022, 15:05
Error when making a call through Binotel
When you click on the phone number, an error occurs, as in the screenshot
10 replies
25.05.2022, 12:59
Integration with Binotel does not work
Records of dzvinkiv in the comments are not supported. CPM server does not respond to Binotel request, Binotel request I add to file
10 replies
06.05.2022, 17:22
Integration with Binotel does not work
integration does not work. API, secret key and number for spelling out. Three sides Binotel access for https://implant.1b.app/ implant/binotel/push...
4 answer
Personal license
14.10.2021, 15:50
only 5 dzvinkiv are displayed
good day! "Binotel" adds only 5 entries: https://take.ms/6Q8cm Until you connected the "Import Contacts from Binotel" dialog, i...

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