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Search results for query #чекбокс

1 answer
16.11.2021, 14:38
Give an answer on the ticket - the problem is urgent, the check is not fiscalized
Ticket - https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/cashier_and_software_ppo/11873-problema-s-fisk...
11 replies
13.11.2021, 14:51
The problem with fiscalization of a return check
We did a revision on the fiscalization of a return check. The amount of the process must be transferred, regardless of payments. Gives an error mes...
1 answer
27.10.2021, 16:22
Consultation on transferring data to a check
The check has the ability to transfer "header": - receipt header "footer": - service information in the receipt It is possible ...
4 answer
I can not uncheck the boxes in the processes.
https://dmnandk.crm-onebox.com/409/ There are two flags in the process, I can’t remove them. after saving or changing the stages are set again.
3 answer
21.10.2021, 11:53
Can the integration of checkbox with onebox work without the running program Checkbox Signature
Can the checkbox integration with onebox work without the Checkbox Signature program running, using the key uploaded to the checkbox server? Now ch...
5 replies
19.10.2021, 16:41
Passing the price of the product to the checkbox
There is a process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/protsessi-kassira/2135059/edit/ It has goods Amount of goods 2,119.00 As the prepayme...
9 replies
Inscription. "sales" in the fiscal receipt
- an additional inscription appeared in the check. "sales" you can find out how it is set and why is it needed?
5 replies
Personal license
01.10.2021, 12:52
We created a process for opening a cash register, set the action "open shift" https://take.ms/Y8KhQ At the first stage, there is an actio...
6 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
14.09.2021, 15:44
Do not forget the amount of payment and the amount of the goods in the check
In the order, the price of the product is 75.60, and 75.9 is transferred to the Checkbox. As a result, sums are not included in the check. Custom...
7 replies
13.09.2021, 16:22
Transfer of prepayment and postpayment to the checkbox
There was a topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/9898-konsultatsiya-po-sozda... Here we f...

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