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Search results for query #чекбокс

4 answer
26.08.2022, 11:29
pardon when closing a check
The check does not work https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/protsessi-kassira/2395393/edit/ (go to the "checkbox prepayment" stage)...
1 answer
22.08.2022, 15:21
CRM for cash register and software PRO
You can install OneBox using the link https://crm-onebox.com/ru/?ref=21 Configuration of the CRM system for the automation of the PRO of small and ...
partially do not pass fiscalized payments
We found that for some reason some payments go through without fiscalization. Orders whose right column is empty - with missing entries of fiscal r...
Incorrectly adding a discount to the checkbox
Incorrectly adding a discount to the checkbox
10 replies
13.02.2022, 17:00
The system did not close the change of fiscalization by check-box, once again
Previously, there was a situation, but they closed the next day Here the situation is repeated Here is the change https://womanparadise.crm-onebox....
1 answer
09.02.2022, 08:41
When I try to print a check, I get an error that the username or password is not correct.
Good afternoon, tell me what is the problem, I take the cashier's data from the checkbox, namely the fields "Login" and "Pin cod...
2 answer
What data to enter in the checkbox?
In the API login / API password integration, I enter data from the Checkbox web portal for the cashier (login and password) - when I try to open a ...
8 replies
You need to send the VAT option on checks
Now in the checkbox there are such settings "VAT rates" a setting is required that would send the data in the receipt at the time of cre...
4 answer
21.01.2022, 18:04
MPE in check
Good day How to transfer the information about the MPE in a check? It is necessary to convey "WITHOUT MPE" How about an instruction? Rece...
15 replies
19.01.2022, 13:16
Checkbox transfer information to the check:
Please tell me: how to transfer information to a check in Checkbox integration: without VAT (3)? In the action "Creating a sales receipt, fisc...

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