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Search results for query #цена продукта

22 answer
14.02.2021, 17:41
Displaying prices in the product card through the global search menu
Hello! Can you tell me if it is possible to set up the display of the product price in the global search card, so that the price currency is displa...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
04.02.2021, 13:09
fix the pricing of the product of the process according to the price level of the client
previously worked the following mechanism I add a product to the process and the product was priced according to the price level of the client of t...
4 answer
15.01.2021, 11:10
Error when changing product price
1. Product prices are configured for products. When choosing a price type in the order, it gives an error: "Currency by id=0 not found" h...
8 replies
Can't change the price for a product
Here is the item http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/shop/products/25040/edit/ Listed prices are subject to change. But Drop and Opt - I can’t. It throws ...
1 answer
22.10.2020, 11:09
How to specify a fixed stock price for a product, not as a percentage? To not count every time
The parameter Product price disappears after the last unit is retired from the warehouse
yesterday I just restored the values in all goods Prices and today again several goods without prices, reviewed the history and figured out that wh...
2 answer
18.09.2019, 10:21
Add the ability to bulk change the end date of a product promotion
Now on a product that indicates the end date of the promotion https://prnt.sc/p77sav there is no way to reset the date in the bulk action menu http...
2015031144 - Improved variable for price tag templates
There are Product price variables in the box that take into account the price of the product, new variables have been improved that work the same w...
2014867767 - Added variable for printing price tags
Improved variable for printing price tags: product price (UAH)

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