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Search results for query #форма

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29.02.2024, 14:55
simplify the entry of the filled-in GOOGLE FORM into the vanbox
Good afternoon, please tell me how to simplify the entry of the GOOGLE FORM filled in by the client into the van box so that the manager in the van...
2 answer
16.06.2023, 12:27
A bug when creating a contact from the add process form
https://dimpro.1b.app/desktop/ I have attached a video on fixing the error. Please correct it.
Does not send a request when filling out the form
When ordering the form, I press send, then it thinks for a long time and gives an error 500
2 answer
04.05.2023, 09:15
Bug created form
Good day On the example of the form https://crm.ohrana.ua/app/forms/25/edit/ Here are the settings But when filling in one of the specified o...
1 answer
Personal license
25.10.2022, 15:02
It is necessary to implement the ability to make records to clients
Here is a form https://b315226.alteg.io/company/61082/menu?o= It is necessary to implement something similar for recording clients, for example, fr...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.10.2022, 17:20
How to add a button under the form with a link to go further
Here is a form for auditing a company that plans to implement OneBox https://icoloronebox.org/expressaudit By default, the button under the form se...
4 answer
Personal license
26.09.2022, 11:23
Do not create a form if the URL parameters contain an order id
Here is a form https://timelearn.1b.app/form/2939/8/ here are its settings https://timelearn.1b.app/app/forms/11/edit/ in her parameters 2939 is th...
1 answer
12.07.2022, 16:41
Evaluation of the additional form
Є form https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/forms/4/edit/ Hochemo vikoristuvavati tse nalashtuvannya But it is possible, as if to work, that if I corrected...
1 answer
Create a multi-select in the form - can we modify it?
There are options in the form settings Is it possible to make this value be of type multilist ? That is, when filling in, it was possible to speci...
Product selection field. How to setup?
How to correctly configure the output of the field with the choice of goods in the form? The product was created, credited to the warehouse, the qu...

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