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Search results for query #таблица

1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.10.2020, 17:00
fix the markup of the process products table
please correct, the markup crashes when changing the value of the product table field here is an example of the process https://box.e-zoo.com.ua/ad...
1 answer
The product table is working strangely
There is an order http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/customorder/proizvodstvo/38265/edit/ I change the field https://prnt.sc/uvodt6 the table is reset htt...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.10.2020, 22:41
Import tables with additional fields
Now there is an export of tables with additional fields. Do an IMPORT of the tables you previously exported. To do this, please add a button like t...
3 answer
25.09.2020, 14:21
Action to edit the table of process products
The process has a table of process products. We need certain fields to be editable by certain employees/roles at a certain stage. This can be confi...
1 answer
23.09.2020, 12:51
Fixing the table header
Setting does not work http://joxi.ru/D2PgJpgsJJ71Pm https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/?filternumber=&f...
1 answer
22.09.2020, 15:03
Google Spreadsheet in vendor price list upload
Regardless of whether an XLS or XLSX file is selected, a field for the Google Sheets file id link appears. OneBox https://campshop.com.ua/ https://...
2 answer
21.09.2020, 13:54
Google Spreadsheet by default in vendor price list upload
Google Sheets link field appears by default despite XLS being selected http://joxi.ru/vAWWbwWTOOn47A
7 replies
17.09.2020, 14:12
Setting the table display
You can not check the "Save for all users of the system" https://prnt.sc/uiv1nv
9 replies
12.09.2020, 09:34
Value highlighting
Good afternoon! In the order, it is required to highlight the lines for which there is not enough goods in stock. In the "Products by table&qu...
8 replies
10.09.2020, 14:46
Condition on a variable
It is necessary to implement the following condition, under which a cell in the table with a quantity of goods > 1 will be highlighted. {|if $ro...

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