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1 answer
16.08.2021, 13:16
Discount on goods of the order and on the process
Created 2 identical orders https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1508/edit/ https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1512/ed...
15 replies
Refinement of the action
1. It is necessary to evaluate the setting, in the action of exporting products to the pretsashop - So that before transferring the values to the s...
3 answer
Good evening, discounts are considered correct, but they are displayed strangely.
1 answer
23.06.2021, 16:18
Apply discount in personal account depending on the amount
https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/ In the personal account, the client fills the order with goods, goes to the basket, then, depending on the amount of...
5 replies
07.05.2021, 10:59
Discounts in reports
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ The sales report does not take into account the amount of the discount on the product in the margin. And the w...
1 answer
Transfer of discounts to prom
Here is the automation http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/auto/action/day/edit/ There is an action that is configured only to transfer discounts to prom ...
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! Ask a question like this: We have a number of groups where there are default discounts. That is, the client enters the personal acc...
4 answer
14.03.2021, 18:25
Prom discounts
Can you tell me how to transfer the discount value for commodity items (products) from OneBox to the Prom UA marketplace?
1 answer
12.02.2021, 10:43
Improved "hide discount in cart" action
Good afternoon, paid for the revision of the action on 08.02 on this account Can you tell me when the update will be ready?
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/type/977151...

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