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Search results for query #резервная копия

1 answer
13.07.2021, 11:40
backup to client server
If the client is rented, can we send daily backups to his server? What is the cost of such a service?
2 answer
17.04.2021, 19:00
Backup on servers
The client's boxed version is hosted on the provider's server. Most of the space is taken up by the backup. Can they be cleaned?
1 answer
System backup
Do we have a backup on box.tantum.com.ua?
1 answer
How much does it cost to make a backup
please tell me how much it will cost to make a backup and then restore it? dashi.crm-onebox.com
5 replies
31.01.2021, 10:45
No backup for...
Hello! Today on the portal I saw such a picture (screen). For what reason could stop making backups from 01/22/2021? Prior to this, backups were ma...
4 answer
14.12.2020, 14:28
Backup programs
Please check and set up automatic saving of the box (now I don't know how often saves happen). We rent a place on the hetzner. I would like to ...
7 replies
09.12.2020, 15:49
Setting up automatic infusion of data into SRM
The essence of the task is as follows - there is a box And employees work in it (bring in clients, keep orders, etc.) must be done in such a way th...
14 replies
08.12.2020, 11:42
Make a backup
Good afternoon There was a problem. Removed hidden goods that were previously sold / shipped in many orders, in connection with this, the balance o...
8 replies
07.12.2020, 11:40
need to make a backup
The box is hosted on the client's server. They recently removed hidden items by mistake. You need to upload a backup of these hidden goods. Can...
1 answer
Rollback OneBox
Please roll back my OneBox: https://dimsp.crm-onebox.com/ to the original state. Conducted experiments and pushed a lot of things.

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