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Search results for query #рассылка

in the description of the upgrade to the system, there was a re-ordering of mailing lists and the possibility of publishing a landing form. De pro ...
5 replies
02.12.2020, 12:28
Over 1000 emails per day
The lead needs to maintain a database of contacts and make mailings on them. 1000 or more per day. And to see if the letter has reached, whether th...
Mass mailing in Viber
Hello, when mass mailing in Viber, after some time it gives an error.
Viber bulk mailing
How to choose the viber bot you need to send? For telegram I see such a setting, for viber there is no https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/sh...
Integration with Email Mailers
Please tell me why there are integrations with Email mailers in Vag Box if, as I understand from the video lesson "Mass mailings in the OneBox...
3 answer
06.10.2020, 13:57
Help make a solution to the customer's pain
Good afternoon. The Client needs a system to store contacts in it. Leads come from social networks + physically. But right now there is absolutely ...
Mass mailing
Please tell me, if a mass mailing of their CRM https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/report/event/ is scheduled for tomorrow, is it possible to cance...
4 answer
Can't delete old mailings
Good afternoon! In the mailing list, some of them are displayed without references to the number. Accordingly, I cannot fall into it and delete it....
2 answer
27.08.2020, 11:11
Integration with email in a free plan
The site states that the free plan does not have an API. Can I still connect email. mail and do mass mailings to the client base using a free plan?
Section, company news blog
Create functionality for posting company news - Blog. Very often you need to post news and at the same time ensure that it can then be viewed. The ...

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