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Search results for query #права

3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
09.09.2021, 22:11
How to restrict access to payments for a specific category and what the payment category setting in permissions is responsible for
In the rights https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/users/permissions/1180/ In the finance block there is a setting "Payment category" I removed ...
14 replies
02.09.2021, 19:01
OS - access rights to the input price
How to remove a certain group of true access to view purchase prices in the application warehouses? That is, in the processes we can hide the field...
1 answer
30.08.2021, 17:01
Access to the product card
Good afternoon, tell me please, is it possible to partially limit the product card for an employee? It is necessary to give access to the storekeep...
1 answer
14.08.2021, 12:57
New employee "Access Denied"
https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/, added a new employee zhnmkj@gmail.com, but when I try to log in, it says Access denied.
2 answer
Access permissions_access to process steps not working
https://sweetanok.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/permissions/3227/ - installed I come under the user - there is an access to a stage. Lets edit, etc. W...
1 answer
22.07.2021, 16:35
OS: Permissions (version 2)
Good afternoon! I want to clarify the application Permissions. 1) What are the checkboxes "View" and "Management" responsible f...
3 answer
18.07.2021, 13:22
OS: Gender recommendation "Open fine-tuning permissions"
1) Please remove the drop-down menu "Open fine-tuning access rights". It makes no sense to go into it, since it has not yet been added to...
4 answer
17.07.2021, 14:39
OS: Permissions
Make a video and tell us how to work with access rights? What rights do employees have now without creating groups? What does the employee / admini...
8 replies
15.07.2021, 08:40
OS - Add all
Another pain of using onebox os - there is no way to check all the boxes at once. 1. Please add enable/disable all at once. 2. Add the ability to &...
21 answer
05.07.2021, 12:47
Improve access rights, when access to employee cards is closed, see the list of employees in the Responsible field
Good afternoon It is necessary to evaluate the revision to access rights, https://crm.hlr.ua/. Now Employees do not have access to contact cards of...

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