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1 answer
08.12.2021, 16:48
Checking for the presence of TTN in a subprocess
There is a main process, there are subprocesses I need to check by subprocesses in the main process, if at least 1 subprocess does not have the Del...
4 answer
23.11.2021, 11:26
Interface Block Consultation Subprocess Block
There is a block in the Subprocess block interface. It outputs the subprocesses of the current process, the parent, and the topmost parent. You can...
5 replies
22.10.2021, 17:39
OS - Subprocess Block (again)
We fought so much to make this block look normal and it was convenient to work with it, but here again there are problems. - there is no way to rem...
2 answer
17.09.2021, 14:45
Sorting by additional field does not work in the subprocesses block
Good afternoon. In the process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/prof-adaptatsiya-new/3373915/edit/ sorting http://joxi.ru/5md9yzMiaBOVD2 is con...
7 replies
08.09.2021, 23:46
Download file in subprocess block
To evaluate the refinement in the subprocesses block, you need to be able to download a field with the file type without going into the process, th...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 23:26
Bug displaying the block of subprocesses
The block of subprocesses is displayed as follows http://joxi.ru/Y2Labe0uMXp7vA, all fields available for editing in separate cells, the process fo...
2 answer
30.07.2021, 16:41
Refinement score
Good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement for the "Block of subprocesses" in the interface. Now the process status is displayed lik...
6 replies
29.07.2021, 11:37
Not displayed in the list of processes in the amount "paid" payments of subprocesses
The question was already raised earlier, but they did not help me https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/finances/7777-ne-vezde-i-ne-vsegda-otobrazhaet...
5 replies
16.07.2021, 20:14
OS - Action Perform an arithmetic operation on the subprocess field
https://ergo.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflow/72/procedure/67/?status=2 In the MVP version, this action worked with open subprocesses, and now (i...
1 answer
16.07.2021, 19:28
OS - Subprocess Block - Non-Functional Elements
Can you tell me how to remove unnecessary block elements? We want to completely clear the table to display only what is needed for work - informati...

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