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Search results for query #паспорт

1 answer
13.11.2020, 11:34
Refinement of the Create Passport from Process Products action
There is an action Create Passport from Process Products It creates a product passport from the products of the process and names the passport as t...
Is it possible to check the calculation checkboxes in bulk for product passports?
https://prnt.sc/vha8t3 - the setting was not previously enabled to keep the checkboxes, and the purchase price was not calculated, or rather reset ...
4 answer
21.10.2020, 15:20
Passports for all goods are not immediately formed
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/114357/edit... when going to the "calculate passport" stag...
Product passport in document templates
We sell goods like a warehouse with complete sets, vіdpovіdno created a passport for the product. At the same time, it is necessary to enter both p...
2015262738 - Refinement of additional fields to the product passport
- for the BP action “Create a passport from process products”, the setting “additional fields of the passport, which should be taken into account w...
2014816298 - Refinement on the movement of goods in the passport
On the page "components of a product" there was an opportunity to change products in places.

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