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Search results for query #остатки на складах

2015465033 - Refinement of the warehouse filter
A filter by free balance has been added to the “Balance in warehouses” page. Shows products whose stock is equal to the one specified in the filter
2015356358 - Improvement of adding the external id field to stock balances
The external id field has been added to the table of products in the “Balance in warehouses” section. Also, the field is added to the file upload (...
2015328034 - Refinement of balances in warehouses
The column “Cost” has been added to the stock balance section. When choosing a filtering period, the balance for the period from/to the column valu...
2015188507 - Refinement of stock balances
Added the ability to see the largest value of “Cost” and “Sale Cost” on the page Balances in warehouses when choosing a date interval
2015180955 - Added unloading of columns id and name of products in which the product is reserved
On the page “Balance in warehouses”, the columns “Process ID in which the goods are reserved”, “Process name in which the goods are reserved” were ...
2015132106 - Refinement of columns id and name of processes on the page of balances in warehouses
In the system settings, the checkbox “When viewing the balance, show the columns "names of processes and id of processes in which the goods ar...
2015137617 - Added display of stock product image
The option to display the main image of the product (in the field “Product image”) has been added to the “Balance in warehouses” section. On hover,...
2015088751 - Improved contact filter, warehouse functionality
The "Number of processes" filter has been added to the "Contacts" section. For the “Balances in warehouses” section, the functi...
2015079761 - Improved brand display for stock balances
The field that displays the brand of the product has been improved on the page "Balance in warehouses"
2014968333 - Hidden "Cancel reservation" button for employees
The “Cancel reservation for all products” button in the “Stock balances” section will be displayed only to employees with the “Administrator” acces...

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