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Search results for query #категории продуктов

3 answer
16.12.2020, 12:21
How to remove categories
Good afternoon! We have created duplicate categories, they are empty and need to be deleted. BUT if you take the "categories" from the me...
1 answer
19.11.2020, 13:59
Evaluate process filter by product category
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com In process filtering, you need to refine the filter as in the Products section, select the product category https:/...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.10.2020, 20:30
Products in categories are NOT displayed
Here is the category: http://crm.powerplay.com.ua:5580/admin/shop/category/90/ Here are the products from this category: http://crm.powerplay.com.u...
4 answer
09.09.2020, 12:35
Categories are loaded in the wrong place action once per hour Universal product import (xml/json)
Good afternoon. Please tell me why when the checkbox "Do not update information about categories and the category tree (only new categories wi...
2015523548 - Refinement of the total rows of the process product table
In the interface block of the “Products in a table” process, for “Settings of total rows”, the setting “Categories of products that should not be t...
2015501979 - Added the ability to combine categories
Added the ability to combine multiple categories. To do this, in the category manager, select the desired category, after which a window will appea...

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