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Search results for query #итоговые строки

11 replies
17.05.2024, 16:08
Needs improvement: Display Total Lines in the Re-Accounting and Saved Re-Accounting Records section
We need total lines for all columns with numerical values ​​in Re-Accounting and in Saved Re-Accounting Records. The number in the total rows sh...
2 answer
20.07.2023, 18:24
Urgently! Total lines are not recalculated!
Total rows are not recalculated when changing prices, quantity, discounts and other fields, as well as when deleting an item. The problem is ver...
1 answer
21.06.2023, 12:51
Total rows when displaying processes as a table
Is it possible to display total rows when displaying processes in a table, as in a list display?
2 answer
14.02.2023, 01:38
Color of sums in total rows
Tell me, have there been any stylistic changes in the Total Rows block? Will there be a description of the updates, what and why? Total and Paid us...
3 answer
25.12.2022, 00:42
Please reduce the height of the Total rows and make a single number format
The Total Rows block takes up a lot of space in height. Extra line height and different number formats (absence of a currency sign in the Total lin...
4 answer
28.09.2022, 18:44
Number format in outbound processes created by KPI
There is a KPI, according to which the Outgoing process Salary is created. The selling price is set with a minus sign, while when adding a product ...
8 replies
The final part of the reports is not formed correctly
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
30.12.2021, 01:20
In the list in the paid field, showing 0, if the payment is real, and in the process everything is shown
Please fix the bug How to marvel at the axis list like this https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/?fromfilterproductcustomnalozhkap48=&...
BUG! OneBoxOS. Absolutely wrong numbers are displayed in the total lines
On the example of a test order https://box.yerocolors.com/7545/ In the final part of the process, it incorrectly calculates the Total discount for...
3 answer
27.08.2021, 09:26
Finance block. Open access to payments for all wallets, but to the total lines of only one wallet
Good morning. How to set the rights so that access is to payments of all wallets (to view), while the final part in the Finance Block is available ...

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