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Search results for query #баланс

9 replies
22.10.2021, 13:51
New mechanism for accruing funds for answers on the forum
Dear partners and clients! From 2021-11-21, the forum has a new mechanism for accruing bonus funds for a comment that is selected as the correct an...
3 answer
20.10.2021, 17:55
Client balance consultation
Good day Can you explain why it happened so? https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/26/ Vchora buv balance +2.74$ Today we have increased the w...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
12.10.2021, 18:24
Hide wallets in the balance and enable editing and adding
Essence. It is necessary that in the balance (Fig. 1) some wallets are not displayed, but at the same time the wallets are active and you can add ...
10 replies
04.10.2021, 18:52
negative balance
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/customorder/order/12456/edit/ can't sell the goods are sufficient in the warehouse
Wallet balance not showing
Link to employee https://cromleh.crm-onebox.com/app/employer/13/permissions/ Link to employee payments https://cromleh.crm-onebox.com/app/payments/
7 replies
28.07.2021, 13:06
Payment balance changes after contact card is saved
Hello! https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/3955/ When I open the client card: balance When I click "save": How can this be?
6 replies
Client card and balance
The previous version showed a balance for the client. OneBox OS will no longer have data available here?
2 answer
23.06.2021, 18:46
The balance for the new period is not displayed correctly
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/78/ Balance for the period in hryvnia - unreasonable figure: Everything looks right in dollars
9 replies
02.04.2021, 11:46
Liability balance in the contact card
Good afternoon. For a year and a half I didn’t work somewhere with clients and their obligations, and when I returned to them I found strange chang...
4 answer
23.03.2021, 18:32
Balance on a specific date or period
Good day Is it possible to look over the balance of the warehouse for a specific date or for the last period? Yakscho - nі, then how many years to ...

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