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Search results for query #баланс

1 answer
30.05.2022, 11:32
What is the difference between personal balance and boxing balance?
Hello! Explain, please, difference of balances. There is personal balance and boxing balance, what is the distinction for?
Negative balance for a product
Here is the order when we want to return the goods - we get an error how to solve?
2 answer
05.04.2022, 18:46
Please fix the balance for the user https://1b.app/user/21/
Please fix the balance for the user https://1b.app/user/21/ Lila Losyk wrote about it, but the problem remained when replenishing the balance, it ...
1 answer
Personal license
18.03.2022, 10:22
they removed the box, although the balance is enough
Hello! the customer's box https://brewelit.1b.app/ has been deleted, although the balance is sufficient to pay the tariff. fix please
3 answer
18.02.2022, 17:01
Incorrect reflection of the BP balance in the client's personal account
There is a BP Order to the contractor (outgoing). We added payment to the contractor (order client) for 10 thousand on it. In the BP itself, the ba...
3 answer
07.02.2022, 15:03
ERROR: Negative balance in stock
https://rivcont.info/2746935/ Error: Out of stock main negative balance #5eb3fbbc72ebb57bd949fe80482d029c of product #6476 The item is in stock and...
1 answer
11.01.2022, 09:56
When viewing the balance at the beginning of the period before the first payment is made, the balance floats by the amount of the starting balance of the wallet
Good afternoon. There was a problem with the balance of the wallet. When viewing the balance at the beginning of the period before the first paymen...
1 answer
15.12.2021, 12:54
Negative balance for a product in stock
Hello. We faced a problem - the product had a negative balance in the warehouse. It happened, apparently, due to the simultaneous operation of seve...
4 answer
Personal license
25.11.2021, 14:59
Customer balance
The customer balance report without the filter enabled shows liabilities by company, however, after enabling grouping by company, the system displ...
11 replies
25.11.2021, 12:16
client balance
Good afternoon. Please tell me a question, I have a business process Hourly tasks. The client orders a service, the business process establishes th...

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