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Search results for query #артикул

3 answer
06.03.2021, 23:20
Remove all characters that are not a letter or a number when searching
we have 2 product search columns in the process (by name, and by article). I'm interested in the function: Remove all characters that are not a...
7 replies
25.02.2021, 20:25
Searching for a product by article when creating a Wordpress process
Registered in the automatic action "WordPress / Import orders" search for goods by article when adding to the process, but the box does n...
1 answer
qr code of the article of the product
There is such a variable I tried to add a random text (link) to the product article and thought that it would create a qr code based on it, but th...
17 replies
30.01.2021, 12:44
Same article and description. Improvement "Search for a process product by article and brand at the same time"
Test order: https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/31562/edit/. We came across cases when a product has the same article and descrip...
5 replies
30.12.2020, 18:49
evaluating the extension of the block "Search for goods by barcode"
The client to carry out operations for the help of a barcode scanner. The barcode of the product is stocked with 14 symbols (to the butt) 503011662...
7 replies
25.12.2020, 16:54
Search by article does not work if there are numbers
I enter the first characters of the kp30 article - it does not find anything https://prnt.sc/v29wj1 I enter kp30* - Also finds nothing https://prnt...
4 answer
Article, supplier warehouse import
Kind, When importing a supplier's warehouse into Box - Box does not accept some Atrikuli, although these fields are filled in the download file...
Category assignment bug
Bug when assigning categories. Using the copy functionality in the "list products" section, after assigning a category to a product, the ...
1 answer
Evaluate the improvement on the formation of a barcode for products
We can automatically generate a stroke. product code http://i.imgur.com/myJv8Lf.png Is it possible to add the ability to write a variable here. I n...
4 answer
05.10.2020, 13:05
Add SKU display in the right half of the linking table
In the right half of the linking table, the article from the supplier's price list is not displayed. It must be added. Ideally, you should also...

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