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Search results for query #комментарий

1 answer
17.12.2020, 10:08
Finalization of mass attachment of files in comments to processes
In the bulk changes panel above the processes, it is possible to mass add a comment https://prnt.sc/w4ihlg We need to add the ability to attach a f...
1 answer
15.10.2020, 13:43
Product comment
There is a product in stock http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/storage/balance/?storagenameid%5B%5D=455&d...
2015626560 - Improvement of the /api/order/comments/add/ method
For the method of adding a comment to the /api/order/comments/add/ process, the filesArray array has been improved, with the keys name - the name o...
When writing a comment on the site, write a smiley ???
When writing a comment on the site, the smiley will write "???". need to correct (smile with phone keypad unicode)
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
20.08.2020, 20:37
The site does not skip the comment
Here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integratsii-c-onebox/50/ I'm trying to comment But the comment is not showing. Tried 5 times
16 replies
05.08.2020, 12:15
Clogged comment thread
➡ SITUATION: We are waiting for payment from the client, we are also waiting for the receipt of goods on order. At the stage in the action "Re...
3 answer
16.07.2020, 09:43
Add the ability to admin comment actions
Add the ability to write a comment to an action on the screen for adding actions to a stage. For example, in the stage of 30 actions, the administr...
3 answer
23.04.2020, 17:31
Comments Design
Now the comments look like "one common canvas". Could you make it more interactive and in bigger font? It is best to do something like a ...
2015330919 - Refinement of BP actions on bonuses
For the business process actions “Write off bonuses” and “Add bonuses”, a field has been improved in which you can set the text of the comment
1 answer
Personal license
31.07.2019, 15:26
Dorobiti autosaving drafts in comments
in the system do not save the symbols already written in the comments - only after pressing the Save button. Also, the comment disappears, as if yo...

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